Tracing the Stolen Children of Argentina
Jan 16, 2023
People sometimes think "adoption" is simple. Cut and dried. It's not. Often it's, to use a technical term, a Head Fuck.
This Guardian article documents multiple real “stolen into adoption” cases, in 1980s Argentina.
Consider the emotional complexity for the middle aged "stolen children", who'd grown up in homes permeated with kindness and love, discovering the truth. Torn loyalties. Identity disruption. A total Head Fuck.
I urge you to read the article. Dive below the surface and wonder: what are the lessons for today? For you? For adoptees you know?
Adopted by their parents’ enemies: tracing the stolen children of Argentina’s ‘dirty war’
Take good care
Picture: Photos of young people who disappeared under the dictatorship. Photograph: Mondadori Portfolio/Getty
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