Sweat the Important Stuff: Imagineering your glorious future
Sep 18, 2023
I'm delighted to announce that I will be speaking at Lucy McCarraher's brilliant Women's Leadership series on 29 September, 1pm BST.
This event will be LIVE and INTERACTIVE in the A Book of One's Own Facebook group for WOMEN AUTHORS, ASPIRING AUTHORS AND WOMEN IN BUSINESS. If you would like to gain live access, please join the group and click 'Going' on the event post.
The recording will be made available to the wider public outside of the group via YouTube after the event. To receive this recording, simply click 'Attend' on the LinkedIn event and you will receive it via DM after the event.
Helen's world was transformed when trauma walked into her home on six little legs in the early 1990s and she became a full-time adoptive parent. Since then she has explored many diverse fields to help and support her children, while undergoing the personal transformation necessary to nurture and therapeutically reparent hurt children over decades.
Whilst researching and living with the legacy of child maltreatment, Helen Oakwater fortuitously stumbled into coaching and NLP which melted her own 'stuff'. For 20 years she's incorporated the learning learner mindset into her own coaching and training practice.
The author of two books and deliverer of countless presentations internationally, loaded with metaphors, diagrams, models, humour, courage and robust compassion, Helen challenges conventional wisdom. She believes that when people understand the 'why', they are empowered to work out their own 'what' and 'how'.
In this session, Helen will talk about:
- Interweaving four models to future proof your personal and professional life for decades.
- Setting robust informed outcomes and strategies which endure through time.
- How 30+ years of therapeutic reparenting demonstrates the need for wisdom, ongoing courage, honesty, robust compassion and flexibility.
- Knowing when to grip your values; and when to let go, step back and weep.
Hope to see you there.
Take good care.
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