The Gulf of Disapproval

adoption trauma Dec 16, 2022

Beware the gulf of disapproval between those who “get it” (“it” being an idea, concept or innovation) and those who don’t. Seth Godin’s blog is profound and elegant. The diagram beautifully simple. (I love this guy).

Those who “get” the legacy of infant trauma, understand that the behaviour of a teenager (who experienced significant maltreatment in childhood) blasting out aggressively in the fruit aisle is probably fear or shame driven.

Those who don't “get trauma”, just see a bad parent, unable to control their offspring. That's tough when you are the foster or adoptive parent who did not inflict the damage.

The unvoiced judgement of strangers in a shopping mall hurts: despite their ignorance and your skills as a therapeutic parent.

Seth Godin blog: Beware the gulf of disapproval

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