Welcome to FAB Parents

A coherent framework for thinking


FAB Parents offers a road map and resources for adoptive and foster parents and the professionals who touch their lives. 

Want honest answers to tough questions?

Want realistic solutions?

Deep understanding is the key to successful and rewarding parenting. FAB Parents offers a robust, proven framework which allows you to have a more fulfilling parenting experience and honours the child's life experiences.


About FAB Parents

Resources for every stage of the journey

Trauma Triggered Behaviour Online Course with Helen Oakwater

A holistic methodology for understanding and parenting adopted and fostered children.

If you are frustrated or bewildered by your child’s behaviour; these resources will provide you with new tools and ways of thinking. This is what Helen wished she'd had 25 years ago before her (adopted) children arrived from the Care System.

Learn more
Bubble Wrapped Children Book

Written in an accessible conversational style incorporating theory, anecdotes, diagrams, models, neuroscience and case studies, Helen maps out the connection between trauma, child development, empathy, grief, contact, trust, truth-telling and parenting styles.

Buy here
Want to Adopt? How to prepare yourself to parent a child from the care system

How to prepare yourself and continue to grow for decades. Develop skills, understanding and tools for transformation for yourself and the child. You’ll have Helen beside you offering theories, models, route maps and tool kits whilst being an honest mentor and kick ass friend.

Buy here

Do you want to understand adopted and fostered children?


Are you confused by their behaviour?

Are you around a child whose behaviour is “challenging”, "weird” and does not fit with your previous experiences and is confusing and difficult?

There are sections for specific people, AND it’s worth looking at all of them.

This is what I wish I'd had 25 years ago before my (adopted) children arrived from the Care System.

Helen Oakwater

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